Stadium Work Streams Begin

Oxford United Football Club are delighted to announce a series of work streams that will be starting immediately following the decision by Oxfordshire County Council to proceed with negotiations on ‘The Triangle’ site.

We would again like to thank the council for their positive decision and providing the club and its supporters with much sought after certainty on a proposed way forward.

The club will now immediately commence work on addressing the questions the council need answered, and importantly to provide further information to our fans, local residents and our wider community partners.

Starting next week, targeted engagement with our fans on their aspirations for a new stadium will begin in earnest. Fans will be contacted by email to complete an online survey with further supplementary activities planned in tandem. The proposed new stadium will only be successful if it delivers on fans expectations and enables them to feel ownership of the project. It is vital to us to have fans views at the core of our emerging proposals and we thank them in advance for their participation.

Separately, the club will also be drafting and publishing its proposed community engagement plan in the coming weeks. This will set out exactly when and how the club will engage with local residents, partners and the wider Oxfordshire community. We are passionate about undertaking genuine and meaningful engagement with residents and the published plan will provide a transparent and comprehensive route map for the coming weeks and months. Residents can also join a mailing list to be kept up to date on the latest news and information about the project and consultation events.

Interested parties can email to register their interests.

Niall McWilliams, Chief Strategy Officer stated “As I have stated previously, Tuesday’s decision was the first stage in a long process – but it is vital that we move swiftly to undertake all the necessary work on the project.

The club will be pressing ahead at pace with its proposals to help enable the council to make a final decision sooner rather than later. We understand the significant interest in the project, from fans, residents, partners and the wider community and are determined to be transparent and collaborative with all. I am pleased to announce the work streams above that will enable movement on important engagement with fans and residents – these are key priority areas for us and the announcement of the early initiation of these programmes highlights this.

The club now has a unique opportunity to make genuine progress on securing a world-class facility that all of Oxfordshire can be proud of. We take this responsibility extremely seriously and will be working tirelessly to make this opportunity a reality.”