Oxford Coaches United

Coaches from across the club were at the Bangkok Glass Training Centre last night for the second CPD event of the season.

CPD stands for Continued Professional Development and as Head of Academy Stevie Kinniburgh told us, it means that coaches who wear the Oxford United badge are all following the same principles as well as sharing information.

“It was a great evening,” he said. “The Academy, Women’s and RTC coaches all came along and the First Team coaches all gave up their time to be part of what was a proper ‘whole club’ event.

“The Medical and Sports Science coaches went off to the gym and treatment area and spent time on their specialist areas. Meanwhile the coaches had three different parts to their evening. First we looked in some detail at the analysis for the First Team ahead of a game. From there we went out to the pitches and worked on how to put those plans into action for the players. Obviously the resources are greater for the First Team but people working with younger age groups could take away lots of ideas they can use with their teams.


“Then we had a Q&A session with Robbie Fowler who was brilliant. His son is in our Academy now and Robbie gave up his evening to talk through his own playing career and the coaching he received. It was fascinating.

“I think the whole evening was informative and educational and we want to thank everyone who came along. We look forward to seeing them at the next one.”