Young U's Help the Next Generation

The future looks bright for the U’s with some outstanding players coming through at all levels.

On Monday evening some of the youngest players at the Academy were joined by Tyler Goodrham, Gatlin O’Donkor, Head Coach Karl Robinson and First Team Coach Leon Blackmore-Such for a special evening where First Team and Academy could work alongside each other.

Alexandros Evangelakakis, Lead Foundation Coach, who helped organise the event told us

“One of the key things is for all of our young players to know there is a clear pathway and that you can progress through and be part of the First Team here. We had the under 9s, 10s and 11s come to the Bangkok Glass Training Centre and Tyler and Gatlin were excellent, joining in a couple of matches and answering questions from all of the age groups. That's a great example for the boys to see two players who came through the Academy.

“Leon gave up his evening to pass on his advice and ideas and Karl met with the parents and talked about the structure of the club and the plans for the future.

“Some of the players will now come along to the Wycombe game on Saturday and be out on the pitch at half time. That’s so important and what we are trying to do with all of the age groups is make sure that they feel part of the ‘One Club’ culture that we have.”