LAST WORD Sam Long on Wimbledon

Sam Long got off the mark for the season with his first goal of the campaign as the U’s beat AFC Wimbledon 3-0 at the Kassam Stadium last night.

“It was a decent finish but I had more chances tonight that I’ve had all season! It was nice to get my first of the season and hopefully there are many more to come” he told iFollow.

“I thought we started really well and carried that on for the whole game. Wimbledon had a spell after half time for maybe five or ten minutes but we weathered that really well and kicked on again. It ended up a comfortable scoreline but we worked hard for it and we move on now to Saturday.”

Sam and the defence pride themselves on a clean sheet and he was quick to priase keeper Simon Eastwood for preserving that with two excellent saves in the last few minutes.

“It’s nice to keep him involved in games! He had a good night and made two good saves at the end after not having too much to do all night. We are lucky to have two very good goalkeepers and either one can play on any given day.

“But that’s the same in every position, we have proved what depth we have this year in the games where we have been down to bare bones; we had a week where half the squad was off but we applied ourselves really well and when players come into the side they step up. Willo has come in and arguably been our best player in the last two games and that’s what you need, people ready to come in and take their chance.

“Now we move on to Saturday. We knew after Boxing Day got called off that these two games became really important if we want to stay in there with the clubs at the top. We got the first job done, now let’s keep that going on Saturday.”

Come and join us on Saturday when the U’s welcome Cheltenham Town. Tickets are available RIGHT HERE