Injury Update

Shandon Baptiste is likely to miss the next two game as he recovers from a groin injury he sustained in the warm up at Southend United last Saturday.

Shandon was replaced by Anthony Forde shortly before kick off rather than being risked after feeling the injury tighten up. He had a scan yesterday which showed a low level injury and Head Coach Karl Robinson told us

“It was good that he was honest about it rather than trying to get through the game and that means he didn’t do any further damage. He will miss the FA Cup game at Walsall on Saturday and possibly the Shrewsbury game the weekend after but there doesn’t appear to be any longer term damage and we know he will be back relatively quickly.

“Jamie Hanson and Cameron Brannagan are doing well after their injuries, Ben Woodburn is out of his cast and making good progress and George Thorne is back out on the training pitches, which just leaves Malachi Napa really and his progress is probably the most remarkable of the lot; he did some running on an Alt-G machine today which reduces the impact and fingers crossed he could be back in training as early as March.”