Club Sends Sympathy to our Friends in Sierra Leone

Over the last few years Oxford United have been very pleased to support the work of Goodwill and Growth for Africa UK, with the club donating past kits to the charity who then distribute it to children in Sierra Leone.

This week has seen terrible floods and mudslides in Sierra Leone and Alan Wolstencroft, who helps with the delivery of the old OUFC kits for the kids, tells us that although the school that we deliver to hasn’t been hit, six of the children were visiting the area affected and have been swept away and killed .

Everyone at the club has been deeply saddened to hear the news and would like to offer our condolences and support for everyone affected.

UNICEF is doing great work to help the area and donations can be made HERE 

If you would like to find out more about Goodwill and Growth for Africa UK visit