U's Take Firm Stance

"Support the team" is the message

Oxford United have taken a firm stance following incidents after our last home game against Bradford City.

Following the game there was a minor disturbance involving supporters outside the ground, captured on camera by the Safety Team.  Two of these supporters had been involved in previous incidents, and had signed up to Acceptable Behaviour Contracts with the club.  As a result, these two fans have this week been banned from attending Oxford United home matches for the remainder of the season and a third has been banned for three games.  

Chairman Darryl Eales said
“We are lucky to have such amazing support whether we play at home or away, but unfortunately a small minority seem intent on letting the club down. 
“We need to send a strong message out that we will not tolerate violence in or around the ground. It damages our reputation and also has wider repercussions for the club: spending huge amounts on police bills directly affects the money available to spend on the team.

"Our Safety Team do a fantastic job, and we will back them totally to make the stadium a safe and enjoyable environment for all fans to enjoy the match.  The message is simple; if you're attending matches with the intention of doing anything other than supporting Michael and the team, then don't come.