Help Chad Help Prostate Cancer UK

Chad Woollands will cycle to Amsterdam for Prostate Cancer UK

It’s almost time for Chad Woollands to get on his bike to help raise funds for Prostate Cancer UK as part of the Football League’s third annual London to Amsterdam Cycle Challenge.

Chad is the Oxford United Community Trust’s Education Administrator and will be representing the club on the 150 mile ride that sets off from Leyton Orient on June 12th and ends at the Amsterdam Arena the following day.

Chad will be part of a 200 strong line-up that includes former England internationals Luther Blissett and Terry Butcher, plus Matt Holland and  Preston North End boss Simon Grayson. The aim is to raise awareness and money for Prostate Cancer UK, the Football League’s charity partner.

One in eight men will be affected by prostate cancer at some stage in their life. Prostate Cancer UK is the UK’s largest men’s health charity with the simple aim of helping more men survive prostate cancer and enjoy a better quality of life.

Chad told us: “It’s a fantastic cause and I’m really looking forward to it. I have been training quite hard because it is a tough challenge. We ride from Orient to Harwich on the first day and then from the Hook of Holland to Amsterdam the next. The emphasis has been on everyone enjoying themselves, whether they are keen cyclists or not, and the event grows year after year.

“It’s all about raising money and helping Prostate Cancer UK, so if any fans out there want to donate and get behind us then that would be fantastic.”

If you would like to back Chad then you can donate at Every donations helps.

To find out more about prostate cancer visit