Matchday magazine

Another must-not-miss edition

The latest edition of Oxford United's award-winning matchday magazine is available this evening when the U's take on Barnet at the Kassam Stadium (7.45).

Tonight's publication is once more chock full of excellent content, including a feature-length interview with former Bees man Damian Batt and a lengthy chat with new midfielder Scott Davies. We also speak to Peter Knight from the class of '62 while the Masterclass features a lesson from our own Peter Rhoades-Brown.

The Chairman's notes tonight are hard-hitting and pull no punches, while the manager and captain also share their thoughts. Elsewhere we visit the Isle of Man as we traverse the globe to discover other teams that play in yellow and blue, and Fantastic Mr Ox swoons in wonderment at the footballing hotbed of that London.

PLUS tonight we offer you the chance to win the new album by the Stereophonics

With all the usual comprehensive stats, history, and features  you can see why we consider tonight's edition a vital one for all supporters to buy. You can get your copy from sellers around the ground for just £3, including a free copy of today's Oxford Mail (while stocks last). 

And if for any reason you miss out, you can order back issues from the editor Martin Brodetsky on or 01865 337523.