Football Special Buses For New Season

With the new Championship season approaching, Oxford United will once again run football special buses in conjuction with the Oxford Bus Company.

This season, two buses will operate on both the OX2 and OX3 routes for all league games, with one bus on the OX7 route. The OX2 will run from and back to Didcot, the OX3 from and to Carterton, and the OX7 from and to Kidlington.

The Club are exploring the possibility of running further buses from Bicester and Thame should the demand exist. To register interest, please follow the link here to our Survey Monkey HERE.

The Bicester bus would start from Pioneer Square, picking up at the retail park, Bristol Road on Glory Farm, Bicester North Railway station, Bicester Village, and Kingsmere Park & Ride.

The Thame bus would start from the Town Hall, picking up at the Fox in Tiddington, Ambrose Rise in Wheatley and Thornhill Park & Ride.

In addition to expressions of interest in using the proposed new service, the Club would like volunteers to assist on the bus. Again, please follow the link for the Survey Monkey HERE.

Until further notice, the Government are continuing to fund a cap of £2 on all adult single bus tickets to support families through cost-of-living pressures.

This offer includes a cap on return tickets, therefore, a return ticket to the Kassam Stadium is no more than £4. Those with return tickets will have priority over those supporters simply wishing to use the bus on a return journey.