The Annual Oxford United Programme Survey

While some clubs are decreasing the size of their match programmes, or in some cases doing away with them altogether, we at Oxford United are looking to make our matchday offering bigger and better.

We have grand plans for next season's programme, but we also want to hear what you think about it. Whether you're a subscriber, an occasional reader, or someone who's never bought the programme before, here's your chance to let us know your thoughts: is it too expensive? Which are your favourite articles? What would you rather do without? What do you want to see included that currently isn't? 

Please fill out THIS SURVEY and let us know what we can do to make the Oxford United programme a must-have, whether it's expanded kids' sections, more in-depth interviews, more pictures, whatever. Send the completed form to by the end of next week (Friday 10th May) and we can factor your responses into our plans.