Karl Robinson Puts Best Foot Forward For Prost8

Oxford United Manager Karl Robinson is asking for help from the club’s fans as he supports prostate cancer charity Prost8 UK by running a half marathon this Sunday

Karl will be running the 13 miles around the Historic Landmarks of London on Sunday 3rd April, starting at Pall Mall and passing landmarks including Big Ben, St Paul’s Cathedral, Nelson’s Column, the Gherkin, the Shard, the Tower of London and the London Eye.

He’s doing it for a fantastic cause as well. 1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer in the UK. If you’re over 50, or you’re black, or your dad or brother had it, you’re at even higher risk.

Prostate cancer is not always life-threatening. But when it is, the earlier you catch it the more likely it is to be cured. Although survival from prostate cancer is paramount, equally important is the quality of life after treatment. Prost8 helps men with early stage cancer to access cutting edge, minimally invasive treatment options that preserve lifestyle whilst providing a cure.

As Karl explains, if he can raise awareness that men can come through prostate cancer without the harmful side effects of more invasive treatments that will be a job well done.

Prost8 is raising funds to buy and donate six new treatment suites into strategic NHS hospitals across the UK so he will be very happy to contribute to that.

“Running has become a big part of my routine. I am out around Oxford two or three times a week and it helps me physically but also mentally because I get time to think. Most of my runs are around 10k but someone showed me the Historic Landmarks run and it just looked like the perfect opportunity to push myself and to raise money for Prost8 at the same time.

“There are a few football people doing it and we are all competitive so that adds to the fun but the main thing is to make people aware of the amazing work that Prost8 UK do and hopefully to raise a little bit of money to help them continue that work.

“If fans want to support us then that would be fantastic” he said before adding jokingly “I’ve signed up late so am behind in the donations: Phil Brown is leading the way with £3,000. I’m keen to beat him on the day and I’m sure the Oxford fans will want to beat a former Swindon Manager in the fundraising…”

Want to show your support for the U’s Manager? Just CLICK HERE for his JustGiving page and to donate.