U's Revisit Cherwell Community Food Larder

Oxford United have again been visiting the Cherwell Community Larder in Kidlington.

With players unable to use the dining room at the Training Ground it gave Chef Germain Morris an opportunity to supply 100 healthy nutritious meals to the Cherwell Community Larder last week who in turn donated those meals to families who need it most right now.

Working in partnership with Kidlington Parish Council, SOFEA, Oxford Food Bank, and the Cherwell Community, the larder helps fill the gap in food supply by distributing surplus food to the community.

As well as donating the meals Germian collected ingredients, donated  by others, and then cooked up a delicious Thai curry which we delivered for distribution again yesterday.

Oxvox are asking for help from fans for this amazing resource for our community.

They have set up a crowdfunding page under the heading 'Oxfood, United in Tackling Hunger' which has secured a very helpful initial batch of donations.

In such difficult circumstances we know times are hard for fans but we also know that our fans are amazing when it comes to helping people around our beautiful city and county.

Can you help? If so then click here:


See the whole story of our first visit right here:

Cherwell Community Larder is an amazing resource and right now would love to hear from fans, whether it is to donate items and food or to volunteer: Email cherwelllarder@gmail.com, or call 01865 817676 if you would like to help, and look out for emails and news from OxVox who are working alongside the club to try and raise awareness of this amazing project.