Ox Files 5 - Available NOW

Ox Files Episode 5 is available now as we go back in time to take an in-depth look at Oxford United's past

The Ox Files sees us look back at a specific season on our official YouTube Channel, complete with rare or unseen footage from that season, and we also offer it as a podcast for fans who prefer to hear their history.

Episode 5 is available right now is one for the brave among you as we look back at the 2005/6 season. We don't want to spoil the ending but it does NOT end well...

It proved an emotional watch for the Ox Files team who were joined by Nathan Cooper who witnessed every kick of that season and hasn't missed a match since.

It’s a brilliant watch/listen and you can see it on YouTube at the top of this page or download the podcast from Oxford United Official on Spotify or from your usual Podcast provider.

The series kicked off with Peter Rhoades-Brown talking about the extraordinary 1985/6 season and continued with Brian Horton's memories of his time in charge at the Manor. Episode 3 looked back at promotion in 2016 with Derek Fazackerley and Jordan Evans and episode four starred Joey Beauchamp.

All past episodes are still available.

Got a favourite season? Let us know and we'll invite you on as a special guest to talk to a legend of that era. One fan did just that and you'll hear all about that in this week's episode...