iFollow Finances Explained

Oxford United have received a number of enquiries recently asking the club to clarify the financial benefits of purchasing an iFollow Match Pass.

Whilst the ongoing pandemic has clearly impacted our ability to bring in revenue through the form of match tickets, Match Passes have offered a lifeline to clawing back this lost revenue. We must at this point say a huge thank you to the EFL, who have assisted clubs by waiving their streaming costs for the duration of the 2020/21 campaign.

Match Passes for all Sky Bet League One fixtures are priced at £10 for supporters, allowing the club to make a profit of £8.34 per pass once VAT and other costs are taken into consideration.  

For each individual fixture, an away allocation is agreed between both teams to determine the final revenue generated for each participating club, with previous away attendance figures used as a basis for this calculation.

The home team will receive all the revenue of Match Passes purchased by their supporters, whilst also receiving all away Match Pass purchases up to the total agreed away allocation. Any revenue generated above the agreed away allocation will go to the  away team.

We would like to say a huge thank you to all the Yellow Army who have contributed to the club by supporting their team on iFollow this campaign. Whilst it has been an unprecedented season, we have been absolutely thrilled with the constant and unwavering support we can come to rely on from every one of you.

PLEASE NOTE: The club and the EFL would like to take this opportunity to remind supporters that commercial streaming of any fixture via iFollow is strictly prohibited.