Help Your Fellow Fans

Oxford United are pleased to welcome the Yellow Army back to games but we need your help

We welcome you back with open arms but we want EVERYONE to enjoy their day and we know there will be some fans who are anxious about returning to football and being part of crowds again

In time we know that things will settle down but while we all try to find our new matchday routine we have some suggestions for a Fans Code of Conduct which we believe will help.

  • Supporters are encouraged to get vaccinated where eligible.If you have been vaccinated already, please download the NHS app in order that you can prove your status if required at any future point.
  • It is recommended that if you are not ‘double-jabbed’, you voluntarily take a lateral flow test before attending a fixture.
  • You must not attend if you, or anyone attending with you, is suffering from COVID-19 symptoms, feels unwell, or is required to self-isolate.
  • The club cannot completely eliminate the risk of COVID-19 infection. Before purchasing a ticket, or travelling to a match, supporters must decide whether it is appropriate they attend, taking into consideration and associated risks based on their personal circumstances.
  • In the event you develop COVID-19 symptoms whilst at the Stadium, please notify the nearest steward immediately, who will direct you to the appropriate medical facility.
  • Plan your journey in advance and arrive at the stadium in plenty of time to go through all necessary entry procedures, ensuring you know where your stadium entry point is.
  • Please, if you are over 11, bring a face cover to wear in all indoor areas such as concourses and stairwells, unless otherwise exempt. Government guidelines state that members of the public are expected to wear face coverings in any crowded and enclosed spaces, where in close contact with others. Face covers can be removed once in your seat/standing area and/or while eating or drinking.
  • Upon entering the stadium please pay close attention to signage, floor markings and instructions issued by stewards or via the club’s PA system, this will help get you where you need to be in the most efficient way.
  • When using the Stadium amenities, such as toilets and food and drink outlets, please avoid queues and follow the instructions of club staff and stewards.
  • Please be respectful to supporters and staff in your vicinity, avoid close contact with those not known to you, and take a responsible approach to others, whose circumstances may differ from your own.
  • Always maintain good hand hygiene around the stadium – use any sanitiser dispensers provided and avoid touching your face or handles and railings whenever possible.
  • Please avoid unnecessary movement away from your seat/standing location. Where possible wait until gangways are clear, and always follow signage and/or stewards’ instructions.
  • Please be patient when moving around and leaving the stadium, be considerate towards stewards, and listen to their advice, in order to help ensure the Stadium event is safely and efficiently managed.

All other terms and conditions and Ground Regulations continue to apply and must be complied with.

We encourage people to pay for food/drink/programmes etc by CARDLESS PAYMENT if possible- the bars in the hospitality areas are CARD ONLY

We also remind fans that the stadium is a No Smoking ground and the usual 'Smoking Pens' outside the ground will not be available.