World Mental Health Week

Oxford United are proud to be supporting World Mental Health Week.

Mind’s latest research shows that more than 60% of adults and over two thirds of young people (68%) felt their mental health deteriorated during the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown, encouraging conversations around our own mental health and that of others has never been more important.

Mind’s ‘do one thing’ campaign aims to inspire people to make one small change or take one action to look after their mental health. As part of the campaign, EFL Clubs will play their part and ‘do one thing’ to say thank you to someone deserving within their local communities.

Mental health is important in all age groups and Oxford United in the Community’s campaign to help combat loneliness among older people has seen the launch of the Manor Club Extra.

The Manor Club was a monthly meeting point for over 50s but has now gone online and the first episode features an extensive interview with Oxford United in the Community Patron James Constable as well as exercise and wellbeing at home tips via Age UK Oxfordshire’s Generation Games:

Meanwhile Manager Karl Robinson and his wife Ann-Marie Davies, whose company provide wellbeing and mental health training, will be the special guests of BBC Oxford this evening to answer fan questions on the subject. Tune in to BBC Oxford at 6.30pm

Visit the Oxford United in the Community YouTube channel here for future Manor Club Extra episodes.

For more information on how to get involved with ‘Do one thing’ on World Mental Health Day see

For more information on the EFL and Mind’s charity partnership visit - about-the-efl/official-charity/

If you need support from Mind visit for information and advice. You can also talk to Mind via the confidential Infoline on 0300 123 3393 or text 86463.