This Week's Mental Health Tips

Each week club psychotherapist Gary Bloom offers five ideas to help with mental health at this extraordinary time.

1. Tea for two
If things are getting stressy, relax and have a cup of tea or swap out the alcohol for a cool relaxing drink.

2. Slice of pizza
Divide up the day into smaller bits - think of three things you'd like to do and make sure that all are bite-sized.

3. Strawberries and cream
Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C which helps keep our immune system topped up. There might be no Wimbledon tennis this year but that doesn't stop you enjoying a bowl of your favourite dessert.

4. Life‘s like a salad
The more colourful you can make your life the better! Variety !

5 No snacks before bedtime.
If you're struggling to sleep keep the room nice and cool. Sleep is vital for good mental health and avoid those late night treats they will keep you awake!

Our thanks to Gary. Stay safe everyone.