Return Of Fans: Supporters Guide

Oxford United look forward to welcoming some of our loyal and patient fans back to the Kassam Stadium when we take on Hull City in Sky Bet League 1 on Saturday.

We are committed to ensuring the health and safety for all visitors and during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic we ask that all spectators to respect and act responsibly towards staff, stewards and other supporters.

To be able to invite you back we have had to make changes to the matchday experience which are outlined below. All spectators will need to read and agree to these points prior to visiting the stadium.

Despite the measures that have been put in place it is impossible to eliminate the risk of Covid-19 completely. Therefore, if you cannot or are unable to comply with this Code of Conduct or, based on your own or family’s health status and susceptibility to infection you feel uncomfortable with the risk, we ask you not to attend the match.

We will of course welcome you back when you feel you are comfortable with attending football matches.

Please remember that any breach of this Covid-19 Code of Conduct may result in you being removed from the stadium, having your season ticket withdrawn or even a ban from attending future matches.

Before the match

  • Any ticket issued cannot be transferred, sold or passed to another person. ID will be requested to be shown with the ticket.

  • Only individuals within the Government permitted social or family bubble may purchase tickets together. Addresses will be checked against our database. Any recent address changes on our database will be queried and ID will be requested to prove this.

  • Oxford is currently a Tier 2 area. Fans living in a Tier 3 area are unable to attend

  • Please do not attend the match if you, or a member of your family, display any Covid-19 symptoms or have been told to self-isolate.

  • Plan your journey in advance and arrive at the stadium in plenty of time. As outlined in the social bubble survey you have agreed that you may be in a different seat, row or stand to that of your normal Season Ticket. Please familiarise yourself with the area of the ground you are expected to enter BEFORE arrival.
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  • Please do not approach any of the players or coaching staff as they are currently not permitted to sign autographs or pose for photographs. This could impact their ability to play if they contract Covid-19.

  • If you are attending with other members of your family or social bubble, please make sure they have read this document.

There are are over 2,000 spaces available at the ground. Please follow the advice from car park stewards when you arrive.

Public Transport
The Oxford Bus Company City 5 and Stagecoach service 1 run every 10 minutes from the city centre but with reduced capacities on vehicles. This may mean passengers being asked not to board and to wait for the next bus. If using public transport take this into account and leave additional time for your journey, practice social distancing. Keep your distance from those who don’t live with you and use common sense. The OX2, OX3 and OX7 will not be operating.

Wear a Mask
You will be required to wear a facemask or face covering once on the club’s footprint. This includes queuing at turnstiles, inside the stadium and when leaving the stadium. Please make sure you bring one with you. If consuming food or drink then the covering can be removed for a reasonable amount of time.

You will need to wear a mask whilst seated during the match


  • When completing the social bubble survey you have agreed that you will sit in a different seat, row or stand to that of your normal Season Ticket. It is critical you sit in the seat that has been assigned to you to ensure social distancing is observed.

  • Turnstiles will open at 1.30pm

  • Please arrive early to go through all the necessary entry and seating procedures.

  • Please adhere to all social distancing measures and avoid contact with others outside of your social bubble.

  • Please try not to bring bags with you. This will help speed up your entry to the stadium as bag searches will be in place.

  • Familiarise yourself with the routes to the stand, toilets and your seating area upon arrival.

  • Keep left at all times when travelling around the stadium. There will be signage on the floor to guide you.

  • Please proceed to your seat once you enter the stadium, You will be unable to congregate or loiter in the concourse. Only leave your seat to visit the toilet or to leave the stadium.

  • When using toilet facilities, please follow all guidance, be patient and considerate towards other users, and wait your turn to avoid toilets areas becoming crowded. Where possible, try to avoid peak times (such as half-time and the end of the game).

  • Maintain good hand hygiene at all times around the stadium –use the sanitiser dispensers provided and avoid touching your face, or handles and railings whenever possible.

  • There will be no food or drink sold in the concourses.

  • There will be no smoking pens at half time.

  • Please only sit in the seat that matches your ticket. Do not move to another seat. This is for your own and other people’s safety. You will not be able to move or be re-allocated another seat for any reason. Any refusal to sit in your designated seat will result in instant removal from the premises.

  • When moving through rows, turn your back to avoid face to face contact with other supporters.

  • Children must stay with their parent or guardian under strict supervision at all times.

  • Please sanitise your hands before entering the ground using the facilities provided. Hand sanitisers and/or soap will be situated outside turnstiles and in toilets.

  • You must not throw the ball back to a player or onto the pitch if it is kicked into the stand. Please return it to a member of staff or ball person. The ball must be sanitised before it is returned to the field of play.

  • In the event of you or a family member becoming unwell with Covid-19 symptoms whilst at the stadium, please notify the nearest member of staff immediately. You will be taken to a designated isolation room where a fully trained doctor and medical team will assist you.

We all hope we’ll be celebrating goals and a win but please remember to maintain safe distances to other supporters not in your social bubble, and be respectful and mindful to those around you whose individual circumstances may differ from your own.

If you engage in any conduct that is intended to transmit the Covid-19 virus to any person or any conduct that can be reasonably construed to be intending to transmit Covid-19 to another person, you will be ejected from the stadium and the police will deal with the situation. If found guilty it will automatically result in a club ban.

Final Whistle
Please remain in your seat after the match and only leave when instructed to do so. This is to ensure your and others safety. Departure will be managed by 4-5 rows at a time. Please be patient during this process and follow all instructions. This standard exit procedure has been put into place at most grounds across all leagues.

If you decide to leave your seat and enter the concourse on or after 85 minutes, you will not be permitted to re-enter the seating area or congregate in the concourse.
Loitering or congregating on stairs, at the front of the stand or vomitories will not be permitted.

We know that we are all living in challenging circumstances and appreciate your patience, support and co-operation as we all learn and go through the new matchday process.