Keep In Touch

We have been overwhelmed by the positive reaction since staff started calling our older fans just to check they are OK at this difficult time

Staff have put in hundreds of calls from home just to ask how supporters are doing and whether they need anything, as Peter Rhoades-Brown told us:
“It has been quite humbling really. The reaction when we speak to people has been totally positive and really appreciative. It’s just a gesture: those fans have supported us for many years so we are trying to support them when they need it the most.
“We’re going to start again from Monday. Some fans will get a second, follow-up call but we’ve also widened the range a little bit so other fans might get a call as well. We’d love everyone to help us too: if you have an elderly relative or you know someone who might appreciate a call then pick up the phone and spare five minutes to talk to them.
“It makes such a difference. And if people know fans who are maybe struggling at the moment then let us know and we’ll ring them for a chat.”
Know someone who might appreciate a call from the club? Then let us know on Twitter or Facebook or email Managing Director Niall McWilliams on
Stay safe. Stay home. Look after each other.