James Constable Helps #TOO500 Reach End Of Road

Oxford United in the Community duo James Constable and Stuart Bradney have completed their gruelling charity cycle ride.

Thinking of Oscar #TOO500 cyclists completed their epic mission to raise money to improve child healthcare vis innovation on Sunday at Blenheim Palace.

The team of cyclists, including Thinking of Oscar Founders Hannah and David Cole, cycled 500 miles to visit six top UK children’s hospitals in five days. The #TOO500 event captured the imagination of the health industry and several NHS employees took part in the epic journey.

Friends, well-wishers and supporters of the charity gathered at Blenheim Palace to cheer the cyclists on as they crossed the finishing line after five days on the road, often cycling in wind and rain.

Oxford United in the Community Patron James Constable, who cycled 200 miles, said: “It was the toughest sporting challenge I’ve ever done. I’ve played at Wembley and had my share of challenges, but this was very tough. I’m full of respect of admiration of the guys that did the full five days and to cycling professionals.

“The support and team spirit throughout the journey were first class.

“Thinking of Oscar is such a special charity and child healthcare is a very important issue that we can all help support. If any United supporters can and can donate it would all help this special campaign.

“I know first-hand what an incredible job the staff at children’s hospitals do, the team at Great Ormond Street have been first class in helping my daughter Mollie and my family.”

Oxford United in the Community Trustee Stuart Bradney completed the whole 500 miles in five days.

He said: “It was an incredible experience and the sheer determination within the group to make a difference with Thinking of Oscar was huge.

“It was challenging, and we all supported each other along the way. The toughest part was day three when we cycled through the Pennines which was very steep. The reception we got from all the hospitals was fantastic and really reminded us of why the charity is so important.

“Thinking of Oscar is working hard to help support improvements in child healthcare via innovation and I’m delighted Oxford United in the Community have supported this cause.”

Chris Lowes, Head of Oxford United in the Community said: “Oxford United in the Community is proud to support Thinking of Oscar and help highlight the importance of improving child healthcare via technology and innovation. What an achievement by everyone involved, we’re very proud of Stuart and James.”

Hannah Cole, of Thinking of Oscar, said: “We’re so thankful to Oxford United in the Community for its wonderful support of Thinking of Oscar and it’s shared desire to make a difference to child healthcare via innovation and technology.”

The cyclists set off from oxford Children’s Hospital and visited Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Sheffield Children’s Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital. They were greeted at each hospital by key staff.

#TOO500 aims to raise funds to invest in innovative projects and act as a catalyst for positive change in child healthcare nationally. More than 60 cyclists took part, some did the whole event and others completed certain legs of the journey.

Thinking of Oscar was set up by Hannah and David Cole in memory of their son Oscar who died suddenly and unexpectedly on June 19th 2014.

They founded Thinking of Oscar with the objective of enhancing the experience of children and their families in hospital care by investing in projects and innovations within child health which have the potential to benefit children nationally.

You can sponsor James Constable here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/james-constable9

Or you can sponsor Stuart Bradney here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/stu-bradney

For more information about Thinking of Oscar visit: https://thinkingofoscar.com/