INJURY UPDATE: Anthony Forde

Oxford United midfielder Anthony Forde is due to leave the John Radcliffe Hospital over the next 48 hours after suffering a very painful rib injury during Saturday’s draw with Shrewsbury Town.

Forde was injured in a challenge on half way which left him with four broken ribs- two of them broken twice- and a punctured pneumothorax after one of the ribs damaged a lung.
As painful as that sounds the Irish winger has made good progress and asked us to thank the staff at the John Radcliffe Hospital
“It was just one of those things” he said. “I went in for a tackle and we collided and I knew straight away I was in trouble. I want to thank the pitchside medical team for their help and then everyone, from the ambulance team to the doctors and staff at the JR have been amazing. I’m not going to lie, it’s still very painful but we know what it is and we know there is no long term damage to my lung so hopefully it’s just a case of the ribs healing now.”
Head Coach Karl Robinson said
“We are having as bad a run of luck with injuries as I have known in my career and at one stage on Saturday we had seven midfielders out of action. Fordy was really struggling and that’s not nice for the other lads to see but we know he is in good hands and they will just keep an eye on him for a day or two before he goes home and starts his recovery.
“We won't set a time scale on that, it’s far too early for that, it’s just good news that everything has been diagnosed clearly and now we can seek specialist advice on how to help Fordy get back to full fitness.”