Wembley Hero is Our Guest

We are delighted to announce that a true Oxford United Legend is our first Guest of Honour of the season this Saturday when we welcome Peterborough United to the Kassam Stadium.

Trevor Hebberd was a key player in United’s Glory Days in the 1980s and cemented his place in Oxford’s history as the Man of the Match when the side won the League Cup in 1986. Not only was Trevor the side’s top player in that one-sided encounter, but he also chipped in with the opening goal, five minutes before half-time.

Trevor tells us about the game in Saturday’s match programme

“To be honest it was a long, long time ago,” he begins. “On the day, I can’t remember that much about it because it all just flashed by so quickly. We had a similar move when we played Liverpool away in the league earlier in the season. I think we got beaten 6-0 but that’s enough about that! In that game, I got the ball and tried to cross it to Andy Thomas or somebody and Maurice said to me ‘Why didn’t you shoot?’ I probably never shot enough in my career, to be honest. I suppose that stuck in my mind and it just happened that I was in the same position and instead of looking for someone to pass it to I just hit it. I thought it was a great strike but then when you watch it, it went through the defender’s legs!

“Obviously, it was the highlight of my career. There were other highlights, such as the two promotions, but they were over a season rather than a one-off game. The promotions probably meant more for me because they came from the team playing well over a whole season, but as a single moment, the cup final can’t be beaten.””

We are happy to have Trevor back with us on Saturday- fans in the MGroup 1893 Club get to chat to him at 2pm and those in the Boardroom will meet him at 2.20 before he Is guaranteed a warm welcome by the fans when he returns to the pitch at half time.

Come and roll back the years: tickets for the game are available from oufctickets.co.uk and by calling 01865 337533.

Read a full interview as part of our fantastic ‘Every Season has its Moments’ series in the new look Match programme this Saturday.