GCSE Results: OUFC Advance Offers a Unique Opportunity

Oxford United would like to congratulate our first year scholars on their GCSE results today. Every scholar gets to continue their education during their two year scholarship but are YOU getting your results today and not sure what to do next?

Then maybe the Advance Sixth Form and Oxford Education and Football Academy has what you are looking for?

The partnership, now heading for its fourth year, goes from strength to stength and offers an opportunity to study whilst gaining valuable playing and work experience within the Oxford United umbrella.

OUFC Advance offer a range of educational courses from Level 3 BTECs, through to A Levels in a wide range of subjects. It also offers GCSE and Functional Skills in English and Mathematics.

Joining means:

  • Opportunities to study a range of full time BTEC vocational courses or A Levels, or a combination of both.
  • A daily training programme and weekly competitive match day experience.
  • Free access to the school fitness suite – including strength and conditioning programmes designed by qualified staff.
  • Opportunities to play in the U19s National Youth Football League against other Professional Football Club academies (Boys only).
  • Gain valuable work based qualifications such as your FA Level 1 & 2 coaching badges, Emergency First Aid and Safeguarding as well as the opportunity to complete a Level 3 qualification in Personal Training.
  • Tickets to Oxford United and Oxford United Ladies first team home games.
  • Potential to work alongside Oxford United Football Club employees to gain valuable work placement experience.

Nathan Broadhurst, Director of OUFC Advance, told us:

“OUFC Advance is a very professional & well delivered Football/ Education Programme.

“It opens up many opportunities for students and players to experience the life of a professional football player while studying their chosen courses at post 16. The programme creates strong working relationships and embeds true life skills, supporting our players onto their next steps of their journey. Last season was brilliant, winning the County Cup and we now look forward to next season which kicks off in September.”

The Oxford Academy is located at Sandy Lane West, Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 6JZ and training is on a 3G pitch.

You can find out more emailing OUFCAdvance@theoxfordacademy.org.uk or telephone 01865 783272