REACTION: Robinson on Bradford

Oxford United missed an opportunity to make it ten games unbeaten when they lost 2-0 at Bradford on Saturday

“Like one of the fans said, we maybe beat ourselves here today” Karl Robinson told iFollow after the game. “That’s a fair reflection because we missed opportunities and we didn’t play poorly: I thought the best team lost the game. But you have to take the rough with the smooth and we have won games in this fantastic run we have been on where maybe we didn’t deserve to. That’s just the way it is.

“The frustrating thing was that we had the momentum with us and now we have to regain that in a difficult game on Tuesday at home to Rochdale.

“When you look at shots and opportunities I think we were guilty of trying to be too clever or overly precise at times rather than having a go, and that let Bradford off the hook.

“I have been so proud of the players to be how we have been after picking ourselves up after the Luton game. I have tremendous faith in them and in my staff. I know what we are about and what we are trying to achieve here in the long game. But I have a sick feeling after that game today because we work so hard to achieve a win and because we switched off in the game we come away with nothing and now have to show a reaction against Rochdale.”

See the full interview plus extended highlights in iFollow right now.