Leven Looks In

We were delighted to welcome three very special guests back to Oxford United on Saturday.

Jamie Brooks was our Guest of Honour and spoke passionately about his time at the club as he met fans in the restaurant before the game. Jamie was joined by another United legend when Malcolm Shotton came along to see the game as well. The Milk Cup lifting skipper thoroughly enjoyed his day with us and was followed on to the pitch at half time by our third guest, Peter Leven.

Midfielder Peter scored perhaps the best goal ever seen at the stadium, firing home from half way during a spell with the U’s that was cut far too short by a recurring knee injury. He was very impressed by what he saw from the current day U’s:

“I thought the first half was fantastic” he told iFollow. “That’s why I came down because I’d heard good things about the football Oxford are playing, and I wasn’t disappointed. If the penalty goes in then that’s game over really.”

Now coaching, we asked Peter how much he misses playing football?

“Loads. I turned 34 last week and I still really miss playing. I had to give up though. The last year when I was here I was fighting it every single day. People maybe didn’t realise how little I trained during the week. I was icing the knee five times a day, icing it on the way to games, getting my knee drained, fighting every day to be able to keep playing for as long as I could.

“I will need a replacement at some stage, I know that, but with technology these days they can replace them.”

That injury couldn’t stop Leven, who does what he wants, enjoying his time with the U’s:

“It was too short” he said. “ I wish I was a lot fitter and could have really shown what I could do, but with not being able to train I wasn’t able to do that. I think I scored 12 times in two years in the end. A lot were penalties but there were some special goals in that as well. I loved it here to be honest and want to thank everyone for the welcome on Saturday. I will definitely come back and see everyone again.”

We have had some fantastic guests already this season. Come and join us in the restaurant when we welcome Northampton Town, or why not start planning ahead for Christmas? The U’s are at home to Wigan Athletic on December 23rd; start your Christmas the right way. Call 01865 3376513 or email commercial@oufc.co.uk for details