Opportunities to join the backroom team at the U's

The staff at Oxford United have been planning for next season with a full day’s meeting where all the non playing departments of the club - Communications, Retail, Safety, Ticketing, Commercial, Community and Marketing - were able to discuss last season and start to outline their plans for an even better season next time around.

Fans will hear more about those exciting plans and events over the coming weeks, but one common thread through the day is that we need help as we look to build on what we have achieved over the last two or three years and move the club even further forward.

Do YOU want to be part of the team behind the scenes? It’s a challenging but rewarding environment, especially on a matchday but there is something very special about working for Oxford United right now.

Full job advertisements will be coming out soon but we will shortly be looking for:

  • Match stewards
  • Matchday receptionists
  • Retail staff
  • Ticket office staff
  • Turnstile operators
  • Casual coaches
  • Half time draw sellers
  • Matchday helpers

Full details will be available, including requirements, training and and qualifications for each role, but maybe the right person is already out there waiting for an opportunity...

If you would like to find out more about any of the jobs above then email admin@oufc.co.uk and we will forward your email to the relevant department.