Club Issue Statement

Oxford United issue statement following Oxvox open letter on stadium talks

In relation to last night's Oxvox newsletter, Oxford United have issued the following statement: 

“We recently sought greater clarity over the key terms underpinning the current OxVox/Firoka/ City council negotiations, through a series of open questions, but it is now clear that this clarity and certainty will not be forthcoming.
Ox Vox has set a self-imposed deadline of ‘delivering a new and better stadium to the Board of OUFC and the community’ by the end of the season, but our questions stand, as tabled, especially re the timing of Heads of Terms.

Going forward until Ox Vox are able to revert to us with more specific plans, we will refrain from making any further statements or holding any further meetings with them regarding the stadium.
The Board will not be deflected from building on the progress made over the past 2 years ; our Chairman has invested significantly in this club and our commitment to building sustainable success will not be compromised.”