Combat Stress- What's it all about?

What is Combat Stress?

This Saturday sees our home game against Coventry City as Military Day, and it is all for a great cause. Joining us on the day will be POC Charlotte Harvey, discussing Combat Stress as a mental health issue.

Combat Stress and other mental health issues can affect ex-servicemen and women of all ages. Combat Stress can range from depression and anxiety to post-traumatic stress disorder, and these mental wounds can be treated with the right care and attention.

Combat Stress makes a difference to the lives of thousands of ex-servicemen and women who are suffering from a multitude of issues. The demand for help and support is increasing all the time.

POC Charlotte Harvey will be elaborating on all of this, and explaining the importance of our support to the cause.

YOU can help. There will be a bucket collection as fans enter the ground - the money raised will be split between the RN Benevolent Trust, the Army Benevolent Fund, the RAF Benevolent Fund, Combat Stress and the Oxford United Community Trust. Please give generously.

for more information. learn more about this mental health issue, visit