Club Statement Issued on Smoke and Flares

Help us cut out pyro and smoke at matches

Oxford United would like to reiterate that smoke bombs, flares and pyro have no place at any of the club’s matches, home and away.

The club is currently working with the police following incidents at our last two games where smoke flares have been let off in areas designated for United supporters. On Saturday, against Millwall, the incident led to one United supporter requiring medical assistance for breathing problems despite being some distance from where the flare was set off.

Managing Director Greig Box Turnbull said:

“It is a problem that we hoped had gone away, after previous appeals. We have worked hard with fans to get the message across that flares and pyro are not welcome for many reasons. However, it has reoccurred at recent matches.

“The biggest concern is safety, not just for those around the immediate area where flares go off but for other spectators who can be affected by the smoke in any area of the ground.

“There is also the risk of serious penalties for the club if this continues to happen - the authorities will not tolerate it and we risk losing points or being fined if it happens again.

“There are serious implications for those concerned as well. The bottom line is it is a criminal offence: one visiting fan who set of a flare last season went to prison as a direct result of his actions.

“We want atmosphere, noise and colour, but we urge fans to work with us, not against us, and help cut out the use of flares and pyro at our matches once and for all.”