Players Visit the Children's Hospital

Thank you to the fans who helped put smiles on faces at this year's hospital visit

Oxford United helped to spread a little Christmas cheer this morning when they visited the patients and staff at the Oxford Children’s Hospital.

The entire first team squad plus players from the women’s team spent 90 minutes on the wards at the hospital and were able to raise plenty of smiles thanks to the generosity of the United fans.

Supporters were asked to donate any toys and games that they thought would help the children who could be facing Christmas in hospital, and the response was staggering with an absolute mountain of presents for the players to distribute.

Peter Rhoades-Brown said:

“I think this has grown year after year and this Christmas has seen a massive response from fans. 

“We had so many toys and games to distribute on the wards. The players had a collection and raised money for DVDs and films but the donations from the fans has been overwhelming. One couple drove in with an enormous bag of presents that their own children had bought by saving up their pocket money for a year. What a fantastic gesture and just one example of the many very generous gifts that we were able to give today.”

Captain Jake Wright said

“It was great to see what the fans had done and shows how closely the club is together right now. The staff at the hospital do such a fantastic job and it was great to meet them and to be able to help the youngsters on the wards.”

The donations have been so generous this year that further presents will be delivered to local hospices Sue Ryder, Sobell House and Helen and Douglas House in the run up to Christmas.

Our thanks to everyone who helped make today such a success.