From The Dug Out

Mickey Lewis looks forward to Chesterfield

Oxford United takes on Chesterfield on Saturday and Assistant Manager Mickey Lewis can’t wait for his side to play again after a great last-minute win over Barnet on Tuesday.

“It was a great win for the lads, I think we deserved it although it came late” Mickey told Yellow Player. “Barnet are right up there on their current form so it was never going to be an easy game but we kept plucking away and got the result. It was a good effort all around like you say, players, staff and supporters who gave us really good backing. We kept going and kept going and you say it so often but  look at some of the top teams like Manchester United; they win a lot of games in the last minute so that was good to get the win”.

United have had a new central midfield pairing in the last two games with Andy Whing and Scott Davies teaming up. Mickey made the midfield his own during his playing days so who better to talk us through the new engine room?

“Scott has done well in the games he’s played. He’s come in and straight away he is a likeable lad and he has got on well with everybody. He works hard in training and he is obviously trying to earn himself a contract which is fair enough. I think whoever plays in that midfield with Whingy, he is a great pro and has really good influence on the players he plays with. You know what you are going to get from Whingy day in, day out. Obviously his positional sense is good and he wins tackles, he works hard, he closes people down, he wins headers but sometimes that takes away what a good player he is as well.”

There was one tackle by Whing on Dutch maestro Edgar Davids on Tuesday that reminded fans of Mickey’s own playing days…

“It was quite funny because, as it happens when he made the tackle Andy Melville had just got up to say something and I actually couldn’t see who made the tackle. But from the sound of the tackle I kind of guessed who it was!”

United now take on a good Chesterfield side looking to continue the momentum of recent weeks. 

“They are a really good side” Mickey said. “I think we performed quite well up there but didn’t get the result and they have some players that can hurt you so we need to be on our metal as we have to be in very game now. We are on a good run of form but can’t take anything for granted; it will be a tough game."

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