"First Impressions Count"

Chris Wilder gets ready for first pre-season game

United will look to hit the ground running as they open their pre-season with a game at Ardley United tomorrow.

Chris Wilder's new-look squad get their first chance to shine against Kevin Brock's Hellenic League side, and the United Manager told Yellow Player how important it is to start as you mean to go on:

“I am a big one on first impressions and that is what we will be saying to the players tomorrow" Chris said.

"We will have supporters up there that will be keen to see what the players are about. I am sure looking at the characters, looking how they go about it, they want to get off to a good start.

"There is no slowly-slowly into this pre-season. We have set a high standard and I want it to carry on against Ardley or whoever we play; whatever we do we have to do it to the best of our ability and that’s what we’ll be looking for. We will treat it as a proper match with match conditions and the build-up on Friday and how we go into it on Saturday. Everybody will play 45 minutes so we will take 22 guys there; hopefully we get through it and keep the standards high.”

United's players have worked tirelessly so far in pre-season and will travel to Scotland on Monday for the next stage of their preparations.

“There are no shortcuts" Chris said. "They will have to work hard and they understand that and they’re prepared to put the lot in.

"It has been pretty comfortable for me, watching the team and seeing how they have gone about their business. I am excited about the young players who have taken on the challenge of being first year pros and how they have got on with it and how the older pros have embraced them, just the togetherness of everybody.”

See the whole interview in Yellow Player