Sam Long Update

Defender Sam Long will miss Saturday’s trip to Bristol Rovers as he follows the protocols around a head injury.

Sam required stitches after a collision with Devante Cole in Tuesday night’s game against Barnsley and will be out of action while the medical team monitor his reaction.

“It’s just precautionary” he told us. “I feel OK but you can’t put a time on it and it’ s important that we follow the rules.

“Their player caught me with his arm as we went for the ball and it led to a pretty deep cut. It’s just one of those things and he messaged me after the game to check how I was and to say it wasn’t intentional.

“The medical team did a great job on Tuesday night and the injury should heal OK but I will have a protective headband when I come back.

“It is frustrating to be out again straight away after getting back into the team but it’s right to follow all the guidelines and it won’t change the way I play when I do come back. If there is a challenge to be made I am still going to make it.”