Parish Poll Reaction

Following yesterday's Parish Council poll the club has issued the following statement.

Community involvement is a critical part of the plans for our new stadium. We welcome all the comments, thoughts and concerns which have been raised so far. We are constantly listening to local communities and are committed to further discussions to shape our plans to design the best scheme for Kidlington and Oxfordshire.

This non-binding poll has been another opportunity for us to listen and take away feedback about how we can improve our proposals.

In the next couple of weeks, we will be holding a series of exhibitions to showcase the first parts of the detail. Residents will also be receiving leaflets and information from us through the post and online in the weeks and months ahead. All of this will also be posted on our stadium website:

We are working hard to get our plans out there as quickly as we can. We want to give the community every opportunity to influence and shape the design and to tackle any concerns which may arise. Our detailed plans, once published, will help us to reassure residents and present this exciting vision for Oxfordshire.