Fan Behaviour: A Reminder

As we bring down the curtain on the 22/23 season Oxford United would once again like to thank fans for their continued support of the club, home and away.

Your support is what makes this club special and we remain committed to making matchdays inviting and accessible to all. However, we would once again like to emphasise that the club will not tolerate discriminatory language or actions.

This week a supporter went to court and was found guilty of racist comments aimed at a steward during our game at Woking away last season. He was found guilty and received a large fine (£925) and a three year Football Banning Order, as well as a criminal record.

At the same time the club is currently working with Thames Valley Police and all of the relevant authorities to identify the individuals who aimed sexist abuse at female officials during successive matches at the Kassam Stadium.

We will also work hard to stamp out online abuse. At a recent game a fan posted a totally unacceptable homophobic tweet on social media. The supporter was met at the turnstiles by Thames Valley Police when they attempted to attend the next home game, and have subsequently been banned until 1st January, 2024. A member of their family has been issued with an Appropriate Behaviour Contract (ABC) for abusing the Ticket Office staff at the Kassam Stadium during the incident.

Discrimination, whether in person, online, or hiding in the crowd, has no place at Oxford United and we ask all supporters to help us stamp it out as we look forward to a brand new season.