Manning Ready For Return to Action

Oxford United return to action on Saturday against Peterborough with Liam Manning keen to put into practice what the team have been working on for the last two weeks.

“No game last weekend  was frustrating, no two ways about it” he said. “You watch results coming in from other games, see the league table change and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. All we can do is focus on what we have to do ourselves and each week that passes makes things even clearer.

“The players have been excellent over the last ten days. We have had long days on the training pitches, a lot of double sessions, because there is that urgency to get ideas across and work on things. We effectively  have a nine game season now so we have to hit the ground running - literally some days!

“Little things have gone our way- Ciaron Brown is back from playing for Northern Ireland and will be available without missing a game, one or two injuries have eased up as well and now we can’t wait to play at Peterborough on Saturday.

“They are a good side and have had a good season but we are fresh and we are determined to make the hard work pay off. I saw that we have added another bus for supporters so that’s great and we will have them right behind us. I am sure that support will be there against Sheffield Wednesday the following week as well. That should be a fantastic occasion - it will be three weeks since I took over and I can’t wait to finally experience that first home game.

“What we need is everyone pulling in the same direction, whether we are at home or away. I know how tough it has been for the fans this season but that is gone and the next few weeks are the crucial time now. I’m loving the challenge and if the fans can come along and get behind the players then that is going to make a massive difference”

Come and support Liam and his team in his first match at the Kassam Stadium.

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  • By calling 01865 337533
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