Stadium Listening Events Start This Week

Oxford United are engaging with the local community in Kidlington, North Oxford, Cutteslowe and Wolvercote and this week will see two ‘Listening Events’ where residents can come along and discuss the project with representatives of OUFC.

The events take place on Wednesday night at West Kidlington Primary School Main Hall between 6pm and 8pm and at the Cherwell School North site (the Training Room) on Marston Ferry Road between 6pm and 8pm on Thursday.

The following week  there will be a further event on Tuesday 2nd May at the Leonardo Hotel, in the Charlbury Room, between 6pm and 8pm

Over the next few days the club will be hand delivering leaflets around the local areas to invite as many people as possible people to come along and meet us.

The meetings are intended for local residents only, no appointment is needed, just come along and find out more.