Finance Director's Marathon Effort

Oxford United’s Finance Director Tim Davies will be raising awareness and funds for a cause very close to his heart when he runs the London Marathon on Sunday.

Tim and his daughter Emily will be running for Young Minds, in memory of their brother/son, Toby.

YoungMinds is a fantastic charity which raises awareness and supports young people with mental health issues.

Tim told us:

“This is something that means a lot to our family, as Toby took his own life in 2017, aged just 16. He was suffering from depression and faced a constant battle in his own mind which wasn't recognised or spoken about early enough.

“Mental health amongst teenagers is a very serious issue about which more awareness is needed. YoungMinds provides this help to young people and their parents. If the services that YoungMinds offer get to at least one teenager due to the money and awareness from this page, then all 26.2 miles of pain will be worth it!

“We chose to do the London Marathon because Toby loved to run and always had a smile on his face when he was running. Whilst we might not manage to grin the entire way round we will be sure to complete the course for this very worthy cause. We would be extremely grateful for any donations towards the charity, no matter how small, or even just to spread the word about that its okay to not be okay.

Help Tim and Emily and find out more right HERE