Grant Ferguson's Notes For Wycombe

Oxford United Chairman Grant Ferguson penned his first programme column for the Sky Bet League One game against Wycombe Wanderers:

I would like to start by saying it is an honour to be asked to become Chairman of Oxford United. There is a level of trust involved from the Board but also from the fans, and I can assure you I will do everything I can to repay the faith shown in me. I want to thank Tiger, the outgoing Chairman. He has become a friend to everyone at the club and also, I think, to many fans, and it is reassuring to know that he is still involved and will be here to offer help and support. I also want to thank the staff and players for their very kind welcome and for making me feel part of the Oxford United family straight away.

I have already met with a lot of fans, including OxVox and the Supporters Panel, and I look forward to meeting more of you over the coming weeks. In terms of the day-to-day running of the club, I am delighted that all the paperwork was completed, and Tim Williams has become our new CEO. Tim has tremendous experience from working inside football and with the experience of Niall McWilliams and the support of the Board, I think we have a very strong management team to take the club forward.

That said, I completely understand that what fans really want to see is your team being successful side on the pitch, and with regards to that I thought the performance at Charlton was encouraging. There were spells of the game against Chelsea Under 21s where we played some very nice football, but now we need to start winning games and today will be a great test for us in front of the biggest crowd of the season.

I have spent the past few months in and around the club and I am pleased with the spirit and work ethic I have seen at the training ground from everyone involved. In fact, the team spirit is the thing that first strikes you. That’s a good place for any club to start from.

A recurring comment I hear from fans is on the need for more communication from the Board, and that is something both Tim and I are keen to make happen. We are open and approachable and will always try to keep you in the loop. Among our first actions was to instigate the recruitment process for a new Head of Academy and complete the appointment of Gemma Sims as Women’s General Manager. We are also in the process of recruiting a head for our commercial operations to round out our executive management team.

A successful club needs a successful football team, but it’s more than that. We have a very good foundation to build from, with talented and committed people all across the club: in the dugout, in the dressing room, in the boardroom and business offices, and, most importantly, in the stands. Let’s start as we mean to go on today with a big crowd roaring on the team to a win.


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