One For The Road

Over 3,000 fans were at the Kassam Stadium today for a fitting tribute to Mickey Lewis.

Stars from the last five decades rolled back the years as a United 2010 team took on the Oxford City All Stars before the Legends side played against the University; all four sides had close links with Mickey and put on a fantastic afternoon’s entertainment for the fans who came along to enjoy a very special day.

The first half saw a United side including Ryan Clarke, Michael Raynes, Jonny Mullins, Michael Duberry, Andy Whing, Rhys Day, Jake Wright, Adam Chapman, Dannie Bulman, Jamie Cook, Sam Deering, Alfie Potter, Mark Creighton, James Constable draw 1-1 with City

City took the lead through Steve Basham before Constable’s shot was saved and Mullins swept home the rebound.

The second half saw a United Legends side including Alan Judge, Les Robinson, Darren Purse, Chris Wilder, Alex Dyer, Anton Rogan, Matt Murphy, Les Phillips, Joey Beauchamp, John Durnin, Mark Druce, Simon Weatherstone, Ross Weatherstone, Paul Wanless, Lee Bradbury and son Harvey, Jim Magilton, Chris Hackett, Phil Heath, Phil Wilson, Rob Folland and Eddie Odhiambo up against a University side who edged the half 5-0 through the benefit of younger legs. Much younger in one case...

Officials Dermot Gallagher, Anthony Coggins, John Busby and Mark Lygo kept a close eye on things, as did a host of other former stars, including Andy Melville, Paul Kee, Matty Elliott, Phil Gilchrist, Peter Rhoades-Brown, Stuart Massey and Phil Whitehead among many more who came to salute a friend to everyone involved, along with scores of backroom staff who returned and with former bosses Denis Smith, Malcom Crosby, Steve McLaren, David Oldfield, and current United boss Karl Robinson, plus the entire first team staff.

Amazon Prime star Kaleb Cooper got his moment in goal, sowing his own problem and reaping the reward by passing straight to a forward to double the University lead with 15 minutes to go.

Regardless of the result, with friends, family and well wishers all in attendance it was an emotional afternoon with, most importantly, all funds going to Mickey’s wife Suzy and son Zack, who asked us to pass on their thanks to everyone who came along.

Zack certainly got the loudest applause of the day as a late sub and drilled an early effort against the post before firing a second chance through Cooper's legs to earn a deserved ovation, and make me cry. He unselfishly set up a fourth for the University as well, squaring the ball for a forward to bundle past Cooper; dad would certainly have approved of putting the team first. He then added a fifth with the final kick of a wonderful game on a wonderful afternoon.

You can still contribute: an auction is on the way and if you want to simply donate to the fund then you can do so HERE

Att: 3.096
Report by Chris Williams, pictures Steve Daniels and Steve Edmunds