First Fans Council Meeting Held

Last night saw the very first Oxford United Fans Council meeting, hosted online and designed to allow fans to feedback to the club ideas on matchday experience and the return of fans to matches.

The meeting was hosted by Head of Club Operations and SLO Andy Taylor and attended by thirty supporters all of whom have expressed an interest in being part of the club’s new initiative to improve fan engagement.

Also present was Ashley Browne from the Football Supporters Association. Ashley was on hand to discuss the role of the Fans Council and how it can be best utilised.

The main topic of conversation centred around the formation of the council, how people should be selected and what their responsibilities would be.

The next step is to create a working party to work directly with Ashley and the FSA to determine selection protocols and terms of reference.

Andy Taylor told us:

“It was fantastic to see so many people give up their time to support this latest initiative. The formation of the council will hopefully give supporters an opportunity to engage with the club frequently and ultimately improve the experience of being an Oxford United supporter”.

Minutes of the meeting will be published on the official website shortly.

It is worth stating at this point the council is in its infancy and details are yet to be finalised.

Anyone who still wishes to participate should contact Andy directly at