Injuries No Excuse as the U's Welcome Charlton

Oxford United have injury concerns ahead of Saturday’s game at home to Charlton Athletic but boss Karl Robinson was in very philosophical mood when asked how serious they were today.

“The physio room is full but I said at the start of the season that nothing is going to get me angry” he told iFollow as he prepared to face one of his former clubs

“Well, referees maybe” he joked. “But very little would get to me because we always knew this would be such an unpredictable year and you have to accept all the consequences of what is a very peculiar Football League season- one we will remember for the rest of our lives.

"If we were sat here with 25 or 30 points we’d be worrying but we always knew the nature of the season. We had a maximum of three weeks break before we had to start again so it has been an ongoing process. I’d never want to change it because I have learned so much about myself, my staff and my players this year and we know that in future years it will stand us in good stead.

“Sam Winnall has a scan this afternoon, Sam Long has a scan tomorrow and Elliot Lee had a scan yesterday- he will be back a week on Saturday we think so that’s positive news. But we have had a scan every day this week and James Henry’s came back Tuesday to say he will be out for four weeks. We always knew to expect injuries so we don’t feel sorry for ourselves, we just move on to the next game. Will it affect our outlook? No.

“We have the bodies to cope with the situation, and we know we have the heart and the desire. We have the ability to rotate and we will need that because we are up against a very good team. But we are a good team ourselves and it’s a game we are really looking forward to.”

See the whole game Live in iFollow.

The game sees the club working with Mind to highlight the importance of talking to each other and discussing how you are feeling. It’s a subject that Karl feels passionately about and we urge you to watch this video: