Supporters Panel Near Election Phase

The formation of the new OUFC Supporters Panel is nearing the election phase of the process.

The working group met earlier this month with Head of Operations Andy Taylor to go through the final processes to ensure the elections are fair, open, and transparent.

The working group has been working alongside Ashley Browne from the Football Supporters Association to ensure necessary administration procedures such as terms of reference and memorandum of understanding are suitable and supported by the club.

Andy Taylor said

“It’s vitally important that the supporters panel starts in the right way with honesty and integrity.

"It has been a slow process but it’s important that we get this right so the panel can best serve the supporters. The Working Group has been working very hard in their own time to complete all the administration procedures needed to make this a success. I’m astounded by the huge amount of detail that the working group have gone into. I thank them for their hard work and continued support”.

The next step is to report back to the original group of supporters that originally met back in April. This will happen via an online meeting in the coming weeks. We will then launch the election process shortly after.

Anyone wishing to attend this meeting please email and an invite will be sent. ‘