This Week's Mental Health Tips

Every week we have been asking club psychotherapist Gary Bloom for some ideas on how to look after yourself during lockdown

We're not sure, but we reckon Gary was listening to music when he sent us these...

1) Under Pressure.
Be kind to yourself. These are extraordinary times we’re all living in, let’s cut ourselves and others a bit of slack!

2) Go Compare.
Social media is full of people doing wonderful things during the lockdown. It’s not helpful to compare yourself with these folk. It’s ok not to be able to tik-tok or run a marathon on your back garden

3) Positives and Negatives
Kick the negatives into touch. Instead of asking ‘ why can’t I do something? ‘  ask ‘how do I do something and do I need help or instruction?'

4. Sending out an SOS.
Asking for help IS NOT a sign of weakness. It’s a realisation what you can do and not do. We all need help (even therapists!)

5. I’ll be there.
Reaching out to help someone else takes a lot of the focus off our own negative thinking. A helping hand can make a massive difference to the person you’re assisting as well as you.

Our thanks to Gary and our love to all of our fans as we continue to try and help you get through the lockdown.