The Big Fat Lockdown Quiz Part 2

Thousands of you enjoyed our rerun of the promotion game against Wycombe from 2016 last night

The game is still available to watch on Oxford United official on You Tube where we are also running our thrill a minute Big Fat Lockdown Quiz

We asked ten fans to join us on Twitter then we gave them answer pads and got everyone together for a Zoom call where we tested them on their knowledge of all things Oxford United (and the alphabet).

Over the next ten days we will run three more quizzes, find three more winners and then those five, plus the best five runners up, will compete in our Grand Final.

Beset by technical problems, riddled with a rudeness towards the players that frankly you don't get since Bruce Forsyth did the Generation Game in 1976 and ruined by a guest contestant who we should have banned, we still think it's a lot of fun and hope you enjoy watching.

Play along at home and keep an eye on @OUFCOfficial on Twitter where we will announce a time and date for the next round very soon.

Stay Home, Stay Safe, Watch the Quiz.