Stay Well You Yellows

Stay Well You Yellows is the message from Oxford United and we are doing our best to play our part throughout the current coronavirus outbreak.

Our social media channels has been posting exercises for fans while we are all at home, with Sports Science coaches Chris Short and Dwanye Peasah providing simple ways to keep fit. Our Community team have been posting skills challenges which hundreds of young fans have been copying, and Karl and the players have been ringing round to fans aged over 70 just to check they are OK. Help us if you can - phone someone you know today and ask if all is well so far.
We recognise that this is a very stressful time and the club remains committed to helping raise awareness of the importance of good mental health. Club psychotherapist Gary Bloom is providing a five point plan each week for players and staff who can call him any time, and told us
“As a club I think we are leading the way in mental health within football but right now perhaps more than ever we need to try and help fans.
"So I’ve adapted a few simple ideas for people to follow and as the situation develops we will update them and put a weekly message out. If it helps even one person then it has done its job, but we want as many fans as possible to read this, see if it helps them, and most importantly to come back to us safe and well.”
This week’s 5 ways to look after you mental health:
  •  1. Stay safe and well. Follow government guidelines. Our club needs you back when football returns.
  •  2. Take lots of vitamin C and get half an hour of exposure to daylight every day (while social distancing)
  •  3. Now is a good time to learn something new. Look online for lessons in a subject you have always wanted to know more about.
  • 4. Stick to a good sleep routine. Go to bed at the same time, and wake up at the same time.
  • 5. Do not over eat or over drink through boredom. This isn’t Christmas!