Stay Home, Save Lives

It has been quite a week for the whole country and quite a week for Oxford United. The club has been adjusting to life with no daily interaction and the week not building to matches so the final word for this week belongs to Karl Robinson.

“It has been a tough week for everyone but we have come through it together and hopefully things become a little easier as the whole nation adjusts to this new way of living, which will be with us for a while. We will continue to play our part and help where we can- there will be new suggestions on how to cope from our psychotherapist Gary Bloom and the players will be doing all they can to communicate and help fans.

“Like everyone, we have found ways of working and communicating with each other this week and the support that we usually show each other on a weekly basis has now become daily: things like respect, being helpful, being understanding, being supportive, communicating and probably above all showing love and positivity.

"The highlight for me was the whole country applauding the work of the NHS last night. That was so moving and I am sure every Oxford fan joined in.

“I just want the fans to know that we are in this together. The weekend should have been another big game for us but it is much more important that everyone just follows the government advice please.

"Look after each other, call people and keep in touch. Most importantly, stay home because it saves lives.”