Friday Update

Following a meeting of Heads of Department today Oxford United can confirm that they will continue to work from home rather than at the Stadium and Training Ground.

Yesterday the EFL announced that they will create space in the calendar to ensure there is an increased opportunity for the league to be extended to maintain the integrity of the competition and that the professional game in England will be further postponed until no earlier than 30th April.
The EFL advised that training activities should be suspended until April 3rd at the earliest and we will work to that date, always aware that it could change in the coming weeks,
Over the next two weeks the players will continue to follow individual programmes away from the club, monitored closely by the coaching staff, and we will continue to follow official guidance before deciding when they return to the Training Ground.
We are currently in the midst of an unprecedented world health crisis which will need all of
us to innovate and adapt in reference to our normal working practises. The health and wellbeing of all our staff and players is paramount at this difficult time. it is important that we do adapt our training and work practices in line with Government and Public Health Advice.
Again, we would like to stress that this time is not for ‘self-isolation’ but to reduce the relative risk to both the players and staff were they to be physically training in close proximity in the OUFC training ground.
Any staff or players showing symptoms of COVID-19 are currently required to self-isolate for 14 days. In addition staff and players are required to self-isolate if they are living in a house with anyone displaying symptoms.
Any staff or players with any concerns or worries can contact the Oxford United Club Doctor
for further advice.
All of these recommendations are subject to any further advice and updates from the UK
Government, Public Health England, the EFL and the FA.