This Week's Mental Health Tips

Each week Gary Bloom, Oxford United's Club Psychotherapist offers five ideas to help us all cope with this ongoing situation.

This week's advice is:
1) Stick to a routine.
It's hard to do this when we're at home most of the day, but our brains get used to routines- and they are good for us. That means factoring in daily exercise every day- even a daily thirty minute walk or get out in the fresh air.
2) Eat for your immune sysyem.
One of the best ways of making sure we don't get ill is to top up our immune systems with Viamin D&C and eat well. Our moods are influenced by what we eat, so have plenty of veg and fruit.
3) Keep hydrated.
Once again our sense of feeling well can be affected by de-hydration. This is particularly important when the weather is hot. Water is best for us rather than sugary drinks/alcohol/tea/coffee. 
4) Slow down.
Especially in warm weather or when you're at home. Be kind to yourself. Take lots of breaks.
5) Look after the kids.
Imagine youngsters having bundles of energy in the lockdown and nowhere to go. They'll remember little about COVID-19 in the years to come, but they will remember those silly games, laughs and fun with parents and grandparents.
Our thanks to Gary. Stay alert everyone.